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Poetry in the Woods


Poetry in the Woods provides poetry workshops and author events to the St. Louis Region that bridge the space between wildness, place, and poetry.

Poetry in the Woods programming strives to inspire empathy and stewardship for the planet and creates meaningful, long-lasting connections to nature through poetry.

Poetry in the Woods held its first workshop in 2022, and held its first Poetry Hike Event in Seattle at AWP 2023. In September and October 2023, Poetry in the Woods featured a reading events with local faculty, a reading and conversation with visiting faculty, and a weekend-long poetry workshop.

..message from Travis Mossotti, PITW Founder and Program Coordinator

Rattlesnake Ledge Seattle AWP 2023 Melina Sepahram Kayla Fratello Violeta Orozco Kerry James Evans Travis Mossotti

PITW Poetry Hike Event at Rattlesnake Ledge (AWP in Seattle, 2023)

I grew up getting lost in Missouri's woods and was somehow lucky enough to stay that way. For years, I wanted to develop a poetry program that tapped into that feeling, and in 2022 we held our first Poetry in the Woods program. In 2023, we received support from the Regional Arts Commission and the Missouri Arts Council, formed a partnership of numerous organizations across the St. Louis region, and expanded our programming considerably (including a 5-mile, open-air, no-mic reading/hike at the Ledge overlooking Rattlesnake Lake at AWP 2023 in Seattle).

Our goal at PITW is simple: bridge the space between wildness, place and poetry, and to host events and workshops that delight and inspire a fresh sense of curiosity and connection to the natural world in everyone who participates. And also, we strive to carve in some opportunities to lace up the boots and get lost. 

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